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There are currently 14 names in this directory beginning with the letter M.
The random and undifferentiated growth of tissues often associated with cancerous tumours(see cancer of the mouth).
The lower jaw which is attached to the base of the skull through the temporo-mandibular joint.
Masseter muscle
The muscles on either side of the mandible. They provide exceptionally strong biting and chewing forces. The muscles can be seen clearly on the side of the face when the teeth are clenched together.
The chewing and grinding of food prior to swallowing. It is the start of the digestive process.
The upper jaw and bone structure that supports all the upper teeth.
A base metal used in amalgam fillings. There is much debate about its use as it is 'in its pure form' toxic.
The surface of a tooth nearest to the mid-line and another term used frequently by dentists to describe [chart] the position of a cavity or filling in a tooth.
Milk Teeth
[see Deciduous Teeth]
Tooth at the back of the mouth that is used for crushing and grinding. There are eight deciduous molars and twelve permanent molars although the third molars (wisdom teeth) often fail to erupt because of lack of space in the jaw (impacted).
A term used to describe the appearance of teeth that have been affected by excessive exposure to fluoride during their development (see fluorosis).
Mouth Guard
A device worn over the front teeth to protect them from damage. Usually worn during sporting activities. They are made from a flexible material designed to cover the upper teeth and protect against the effects of a blow to the face. A properly designed mouth guard will also minimise the damage to the soft tissues.
Mouth Rinse
A fluid that seeks to reduce or eliminate damaging bacterial activity and help to interfere with plaque formation. There are different types including fluoride rinse to protect against tooth decay, general purpose daily rinse to supplement the toothbrushing routine and reduce bacterial activity, and specialist rinses for short term use to help control a chronic gum condition.
Mouth Ulcers
A painful area affecting the soft parts of the inside of the mouth: the cheeks, lips and tongue. Seven million people in the UK get mouth ulcers each year - 16% of the whole population. Despite being small, ulcers can be very painful and make eating, drinking, talking and even kissing very painful.
The coloured liquid which is used to rinse away debris from the mouth following dental treatment. It contains thymol, sodium bicarbonate and a colouring agent.