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There are currently 12 names in this directory beginning with the letter R.
The transmission of energy which can be extremely harmful to the tissues. Often used to destroy cancerous growths and known as deep x-ray therapy(DXT).
Sensitive films that give a permanent record of relative tissue densities when they are exposed to x-ray radiation. Highly calcified dense areas of bone or tooth substance will prevent the transmission of radiation and so will show as opaque or white areas on the film. The dark areas of film indicate areas of lower tissue density. They are used to identify any abnormalities in the teeth and gums that may need treatment.
An area on an X-ray which is darker and indicates an area of lower tissue density allowing the passage of radiation.
The shrinkage of the gum tissues that exposes more of the root surface of the tooth. A natural ageing process that can give rise to sensitivity.
Referred pain
A sensation of pain that occurs in an area which is different from the area causing the problem. The very complex nature of the facial nerves sometimes makes it difficult for a patient to accurately signify where the source of the pain originate e.g. at the start of a dental abscess it is possible to perceive that the pain may even be coming from the opposite jaw.
Relative Analgesia
A mixture of nitrous oxide ["laughing gas"] and air is still used frequently as a very safe method of reducing pain. It is used in dentistry and midwifery in conjunction with local anaesthesia. The patient remains in a cooperative state of consciousness and the effects wear off very quickly.
The re-basing of a denture to improve the fit. The dentist may use temporary soft liners to gain better stability or suction.
Residual ridge
The bone structure remaining following the loss or extraction of teeth. The lower (mandibular) ridge tends to suffer more from residual bone loss than the upper and this makes it more difficult to stabilise a lower denture.
Restorative Dentistry
The process of returning the tooth and its surroundings to its previous condition after damage or loss has occurred. Dental technology and materials have advanced rapidly in recent years. The more advanced technical procedures require special skills and knowledge.
Retromolar Pad
The tissue behind the last molar teeth. It is more easily recognised in those patients who have lost all their teeth.
The root is the part of a tooth which is attached by a membrane to and embedded in the jawbone(alveolus).
Root Canal
The chamber in the middle of a tooth that contains the nerve [pulp]. Root canal treatment is carried out when the pulp (or nerve) inside the tooth is damaged or becomes infected. If infected pulp is not treated, it may become an abscess.